THE BERG 100 LITE ( 67km )

7GC8+7J Himeville Harry Gwala District Municipality

Saturday, 22 March 2025

Sometimes riding 109km is just insane... thus we have the optimal 67km option!!!

After many requests, we have brought you the shorter Berg 100 version. .... The Berg Lite. This event will start and finish at Nottingham Road Primary School. 

This route is primarily gravel roads with small sections of tar as you leave and return to town.  The route is designed for those wanting a challenge and wanting to push themselves from a 40/50km ride to a 60/70km ride. It is also for those who might need to downgrade from the 100km!!!!!

This route has sublime views of the Midlands while you meander through farmlands and catch glimpses of the mighty Drakensburg. 

Race Date:             Saturday 22 March 2025​

Race Distance:      67kms

Entry Details:         R360 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (till end of Nov)

                                R450 normal entries 

                                Pre entries close midnight 18 March 2025

                                ENTER HERE 

                                Late Entry @ Registration at premium price

                                R50 for a CSA day license.​

Registration:       Friday 2-6pm @ Notties Hotel

                             Saturday 6-6:45am @ Notties Primary

Start Details:        TBC but around 7:15/7:30am, Nottingham Road Primary​

MTB & gravel bikes will start in 1 batch. E-bikes will leave 5 minutes after main  batch has left. 

                              Coffee & Muffins will be on sale!

                           Finish Details:      Nottingham Road Primary

                              Food and drinks will be available at the finish.

                              No shower facilities provided.  

Prize Giving:         1:00pm​

                              Prizes TBC​

Goodie Bag:           Shirt (limited to first paid 500 entries for 100km and 67km route)​

Water tables:         2 tables along the route will keep you fuelled. Distances wil be confirmed closer to               the time​