Out & About with Dave Lees

Written on 28 November 2024
by Simone Gagiano

How did you first get into mountain biking?

I was more focused on running throughout my life, but bought my first mountain bike in about 1996, but mountain biking was always secondary to running up until about 2010 when I decided to start making mountain biking my focus sport.

What has been your most memorable experience on a mountain bike?

Travelling South Africa participating in events.

What keeps you motivated to continue riding, whether for fun or professionally?

I was never talented enough to be professional and started quite late in my life, but I have met some incredible people, travelled extensively and seen parts of SA I would never have seen or experienced, it is just so much fun.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your mountain biking journey, and how did you overcome it?

Finding the money to pay for equipment and the travelling, worked harder!

Can you walk us through your typical training routine?

I don’t follow a regimented or specific training program, but I do train at Cadence Cycling Studio, and then try and get a longish ride in over weekends or race.

What do you focus on the most in your preparation for a big race or event?

Adequate time in the saddle.

How do you mentally prepare for challenging courses or races?

Nothing specific, my belief is if you’ve done the training it will all be OK baring any unforeseen problems like equipment failures or illness.

How do you choose your gear, and are there any must-have items you always bring?

Helmets must be comfortable, I don’t wear gloves I feel more attached to the bike without them but I do use silicone grips. Generally prefer enduro type cycling gear.

Do you have any advice for riders when it comes to choosing the right bike or equipment?

If its comfortable its good.

What type of races do you prefer, and why? (e.g., cross-country, downhill, enduro).

Predominantly XCO and Marathon, but have done some enduro riding, just not convinced I should be taking those risks anymore at my age.

What’s the most challenging race you’ve ever participated in, and what made it tough?

Race to Rhodes, you carry all your gear for the duration of the event, you have to navigate and you do some proper mileage everyday, however albeit challenging it was an awesome experience which I shared with some amazing people.

How do you handle nerves or pressure before a big race?

On occasion I have got myself worked up enough to be sick, so probably not very well.

How do you feel about the current state of the mountain biking community?

The community is awesome but getting smaller.

What role do you think mountain biking plays in the outdoor adventure and sports culture?

Not only mountain biking but cycling generally has become a big player and has attracted a lot of people into an active lifestyle.

Do you think mountain biking has grown in popularity over the years? How do you see its future?

No I think it is declining, and I base that on the number of participants I see at events, even some of the well established events that have been on the calendar for years are seeing declining numbers year on year.

What do you think is the most important skill a rider should develop to be successful?

Technical skills.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in mountain biking?

Get a coach to develop your technical skills, it keeps you out of A&E and makes it much more thrilling to take on technical terrain confidently and fast.

What are some of the most common mistakes beginners make, and how can they avoid them?

Buying the wrong bike.

What are the biggest challenges facing the sport of mountain biking today?


When you’re not mountain biking, what else do you enjoy doing?

I love working in my workshop at home and also enjoy my garden and home projects. I also enjoy my job.

Has mountain biking influenced other areas of your life?

Not necessarily influenced me but certainly given me great experiences and interacted with great people.

What’s something people don’t often realize about the life of a mountain biker?

Sometimes it can hurt.