We chat to Mandy Preston from KZN Gravity

Written on 02 September 2024
by GOMTB Team

Mandy Preston (aka Mandy Moo) is the familiar face behind KZN Gravity MTB. If she's not riding the trails herself, you'll find her behind a desk ensuring those shredding the trails have the necessary gravity forces behind them. She's as encouraging to young shredders as she is a challenge to, well, shall we say, more seasoned enduro and downhill riders. We asked Mandy a few questions and she happily provided us with these answers:-

What inspired you to start riding Enduro?

"Once I had gotten more comfortable on my bike, I found that I really enjoyed more technical riding. I entered my first enduro in 2015 and have participated in them ever since! In 2019 I joined the committee for KZN. I love how bikes can bring people together and some of my best adventures have been on my bike with some really awesome people."

What's your favorite type of terrain to ride on?

"The more rocky and technical the  terrain, the happier I am."

What would you consider your most challenging trail you've ever ridden?

Cascades in Pietermaritzburg, KZN is definitely challenging for me, although I keep coming back for more.

What's your go-to bike brand and model?

Specialized Levo Ebike

How often do you manage to get out on the trails?

I mostly ride on weekends, but if I can sneak a ride in during the week it's a bonus.

Do you prefer solo rides or group outings?

Group rides, with snacks! Definitely with snacks!

Speaking of snacks... do you have a favorite post-ride snack or meal?

Holla Nacho Chicken Burger without a doubt!

Have you ever had any major crashes or injuries?

Yes, a spectacular face plant which resulted in a concussion and 9 stitches inside my mouth. (ouch!)

How do you prepare for a long ride or race?

If it's Enduro it's a bonus to be able to practice, for long rides I just make sure I have good company! (and snacks no doubt)

Do you have a favorite riding buddy or mentor?

I am lucky to have so many awesome people to ride with!

How do you stay hydrated and fueled during a ride?

Unfortunately, I usually forget to drink, but never the snacks! Maynards Starlight Jellies are the BEST.

What's the best part about Enduro for you?

The vibe, the friends and how chilled and friendly most people are. It's a very inclusive discipline where kids and adults mingle and learn from each other.

What's the most important piece of gear or equipment for you?

Definitely safety gear! A good helmet will always be worth it!

How do you maintain and care for your bike?

You don't want to ask my mechanic.

What's the longest ride you've ever done?

106km Amashova - longest riding day of my life.